Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Abundance and Growth
I am very clear on who I am becoming.
I am very clear on what I will no longer settle for.
The conversations are there waiting to be had. Courage is needed to run through my body to have these conversations.
I have let go of what no longer serves me.
I have let go of the past.
I am ready to create, fully create, with all of me... my present and shape my future for myself and my children.
I will not keep myself small any longer, to do so would model that behavior as acceptable for my girls, and I am VERY clear that I want them to be unencumbered to be whomever they choose to be... and never be limited.
Only Day 2... what a fantastic week this is as an invitation to become even MORE...
Monday, February 26, 2007
Engaging and Awakening Others
Here is what I am feeling.
I am feeling an intensity in these programs.
I am feeling an excitement in these programs.
I am feeling such a strong pull of WHO I AM wanting to come out and engage in these programs.
Here is what I know... I am much bigger than I allow myself to be.
Do you know what I mean?
How many times in our lives do we NOT do something or NOT say something because that is not what "good girls", "good kids" or "good employees" do. Or that is something that you don't want to do if you "want to get ahead". So we keep ourselves smaller than we know we are.
For me I discovered today if I trust in myself and engage fully and meaningfully (to me) in what I am passionate about I will create so much more than I already am.
I discovered today that I held a fear about being "too big for my britches".
I held a fear if I truly allowed myself to step out of the box and create what I feel pulled to create that I may fail.
And it isn't failing that is scaring me... it is that what will my parents (mother) think?
I found out today that some aspect of me is still seeking approval from her. Not approval to allow me to do something but for her to be proud of what I am creating. I was afraid that if I failed I would get a "I told you so". Hmm. Funny that.
It shows how deeply ingrained into our cells this culturally conditioned self is.
And who knows what is true about my mother? I don't, I am not her.
So the question for me actually lies in, do I trust myself to create and SUCCEED in what I am passionate about?
Am I truly resourceful enough to stand alone in what I am creating?
Am I willing to let go of this fear that was allowing me to keep myself small?
Am I willing to be who I know I AM... fully... not this puny being I have kept myself as for 30 years but this full manifestation of expression of who I AM in this world... brilliant (much like you)
I'm ready. I'm game. Bring it on... I'm ready to continue to create my future. I'm ready to fully engage, all of me, my signal #1 in full force without fear... (I think)
I AM... and tomorrow is yet another day. (it's only Monday)
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Engaging and Awakening Others
This week is going to be amazing, intense and profound. I know that at the end of this week I will have moved through so many things that I didn't even recognize were holding me back.
Who will I become? That is most of the fun... Ever Evolving... constantly discovering more...
of me.
Friday, February 23, 2007
It has been on my mind since I made it. There was something that wasn't resonating with me completely.
Today I realized this sketch is incomplete and inaccurate.
I (my sketch) represented NO ownership from the individual. That is living at the effect side of the equation... the vicitm side... the "the problem is outside of me" side.
Much like I have gone out of my way to be engaged and involved with our organization in this past year; so must others if they feel there is a lack of communication or if they are feeling disengaged.
CLICK... the "Power of One"... the power lies within.
We are the creators of our futures; it isn't up to anyone but ourselves to become.
To become the brilliant beings we always have been but have forgotten.
The only one limiting yourself is yourself.
Tomorrow is a new day and there is always more.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Is it ever too late to change?
The last speaker on the first afternoon "Dr. Laugh" Chris Johnson talked about how we take everything so seriously especially in the work place. How we rarely take our outside self into the office (the positive, fun loving, caring self). How if we could just find a little humor and humanity in our workplace our lives would be much richer. He suggested we give hugs more freely, listen to co-workers if they need an ear, and do the unexpected to make others smile.
The final speaker of the session was Cathy Carmody "Power of One". I had the opportunity to be up front with Cathy drawing the models on a 2nd flip chart for the room to see. Cathy of course presented several of the WEL-Systems models to the room full of predominantly middle mangers with our department. What a fantastic 2 hrs those were.
The room was filled with management who are ready to retire soon, new managers who have been around for a while but are now moving into the supervisory roles, men from the "old boys club", women who are already familiar with the WEL-Systems, women who aren't, and many of us "younger folk" who participated as part of the youth network.
Some of the comments I heard during the 2 hours (all from men) were like...
"Well it's too late for me now, why are you presenting it to us (middle mangers)
when I am set to retire in a few years."
"I can see how I can use this at home, but how can I do it at work without
encouraging anarchy?"
"I really think this is great, we are taught this in University then come here
and we are forced to move down levels to deal with those we work with"
"I saw that too. I am in between the youth network and the retiring
managers here and I felt when I came I interacted from all levels of thinking...
Now I'm predominantly the bottom 3"
Fascinating and encouraging to hear such comments and engagement. Throughout the whole session, this was the first time the participants in the room were PARTICIPATING. This was awesome (from my perspective).
After the day was done and people began to leave to travel home, the Chair of the Youth Network (and often a co-facilitator during work events with me) was speaking to Cathy. He is very interested in getting this program going for men in the department (perhaps interdepartmental to the NS Youth Network?)
On the bus ride home to Halifax, I heard people talking about the Power of One presentation. Another man there said, "if you combine what the two keynote speakers were talking about you have the key to living". And I asked, would you take a men's program, he said hell yes.
Today at work yet another man commented on that Power of One session how much he enjoyed it, he commented on how much I seemed to have gotten from the Women's Leadership Pilot Program Cathy & Celine did last year, and how they should have one for men. Well, I said, you should talk with Andrew, he spoke with Cathy after the session yesterday and seemed really keen on getting something like that happening.
Life is indeed good... It is never too late to change, if you want it, if you feel there is something missing, if you have lived your life and you are still wondering what your purpose is... ask questions... get curious... consider what if...
Make the choice to LIVE according to you and your own passion. And have fun for once while you are working... when you love your work (passionate); work ceases to be work; you can be playing all of the time (and still getting paid).
And tomorrow is a new day. My last day at my "old" job. Then I play with Louise for a week while I'm "Engaging" and I begin a new.
A different woman (because if you have ever played with Louise you know how much you grow and evolve into someone more); in a different job.
Another chapter begins... and there is always more
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Disconnect
So after the first day of the forum I went back to my room to sketch.
The attached is what showed up on the paper… my interpretation of our organization and the whole communication issues, and engagement issues.
I thought I'd share it with those of you who would take it for simply my interpretation and nothing more… I don't know what else to do with it (or why I was compelled to sketch it for that point).

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Getting Organized
I have an upcoming over night trip this week to Moncton for a Personal and Professional Leadership Forum where Cathy Carmody will be one of the presenters. This is for a Middle Management Forum.
This past year I have had the opportunity to attend the Leadership Forum (Directors & Regional Managers) and hear about their visions and see their leadership styles. I chaired our regional departments Annual Women's Leadership Event and was able to share my vision and views on Leadership and introduce the WEL-Systems perspective on leadership and living to the women who attended (directors, managers and co-workers). Now I will be able to go to the Middle Managers Forum and see what their visions and views on leadership are.
For some reason there is still such a disconnect in communications felt and noticed within our department and I have a feeling I know where this disconnect is happening (for the most part). It will be interesting to be able to see it from all perspectives of "levels" throughout our department.
The week after February 26 - March 2nd, I will be in the Engaging program with Louise. And I am totally looking forward to my next step in my evolution. I will also be recording my CD Single Moms: Struggles and Strengths during this week. There is an article I wrote on the same subject in February's ChoicePoints newsletter or you can click here to read it.
I start my new job on March 5th, 2007. I am very excited about this change and I know it will be an invitation to learn new skills and make new discoveries about myself.
So I have 3 days left at my current job (after all the trips and training is said and done). And Organization is in the forefront of my thoughts. What do I have left to do that needs doing so I can easily move from my current job into my new one. I've already created a "How To" book, I've created a document with all of the links I use for the ease of my successor. I just have to clear up some backlog and finish packing my boxes.
Things are moving... Movement = Growth, Life is good.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
The Field
I thoroughly enjoyed every discovery in this book, reading about distance healing, remote viewing, the experiments and successes.
I especially came to life when reading about how each and everyone one of us has the potential to do all of this ourselves... create our own futures, affect the health of ourselves and others, predict or sway the outcome of things just by focusing our intention and tapping into the Zero Point Field. The Field, the source, all that there is, that runs through and around everything, connecting us as one, supporting us all as individuals.
So we can truly stand alone and never be alone. Interesting notions.
It supports my belief that we all have the resources within our own selves to live a healthy, prosperous and happy life, as creators of our own futures.
The task is for us to wake up to this power we each have. To wake up to the more we are.
In our dreams we imagine we are immense, successful, happy, doing something that we are passionate about, that makes us feel alive.
Then we wake up.
Some of us are choosing to live our dreams, to work towards them, awake and conscious in our choices and seizing the chance to engage in things we are passionate about.
And the some of us are saying, "Oh what a nice dream... I know I couldn't never do that" telling yourself you are smaller than that, you can only do what you are doing now, you can always dream of more... but it will never be your reality.
This book has strengthened my belief, my deep knowing that we are god forces completely in control of the manifestation of our future.
Life is good... and there is always tomorrow.
Friday, February 16, 2007
No Harm... No Foul
I'm in sync with my friend Sarah lately (big time). Every time I engage with her it is a reflection of me (see Holy Holodecks - batman).
Last night Sarah & I were having a fantastic conversation and she asked me does my work support me and value my leadership qualities. My first thought was the people I engage with do... and the others have just fallen away (are no longer prominent in my day to day routines).
And I struggled a bit with the answer to that. It was almost like it didn't compute in my psyche. Why would I care if my work supported me or not? So that was my answer. I know that the "job" does not define me. It once did, that was one of the many things I used it to keep myself small.
What I now know is that I am resourceful enough to create my own future, regardless of which job I am in or not it. And of course during my telephone conversation with her last night, I knew that is just how I feel now, I'm very clear on that.
And yet I still didn't relate this conversation to my current situation (Duh, you'd think I'd learn... Holographic Universe)
So this morning I get to work and check my voice mail. It's my new manager calling wanting to discuss my e-mail I sent telling them I'd like to discuss options surrounding my assignment opportunity.
I met this morning with my new co-workers/managers (this is really cool, they seem to really work as a team). We had a conversation about the possibility of my going on the other assignment right from the start of my new job.
I am very excited to begin working with this group. The energy in the room was positive, they told me they were impressed with my leadership qualities in the interview and are hopeful those qualities will assist me into making the group run even more smoothly.
We all gave our points of view and in the end I agreed that although the assignment in Corporate would be a really great opportunity for me... I can create my own opportunities where ever I am.
And it was very clear to me during this meeting... my new manager hit the nail right on the head... "is it the exposure you think you'd miss if you didn't go on the assignment" (something like that) and I was very clear when I replied... I think I have the exposure and I know I can create it wherever I am. :o)
That felt really right. My wanting to take this assignment with the "big wigs" was mostly based on who I would get to know and exposure. My conversation last night with Sarah reminded me of my deep clarity that I am the one who creates my future.
There was no nagging feelings of disappointment when I said I would not go on the assignment.
I look forward to beginning my new position on March 5th, 2007. Yay me!
Who knows what tomorrow will bring, more growth that is certain. Life is good.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Holy Holodecks... (batman)
A lot has been moving on my job front over these past few weeks. And as time goes by and things don’t move as fast as I would like, I start to allow myself to slip back to the “old” me. I find myself falling into the victim role… “Joe blow won’t let me”. I was blaming another person for MY immediate future challenges (1-2mth time period). And I didn’t even recognize it.
I knew I felt shitty, angry, and mostly pissed off most of the time at work. I felt I was going to be wronged, whatever. I blamed these feelings on another person causing me to feel this way. What crap… I know better than this; however I was blinded to it.
This morning when engaging with my friend I wrote her an e-mail about simply choosing to honour herself in this transition period at work. That you could choose to continue to engage as a professional, with integrity, hard work and passion you always carry on your job. You don’t have to let the negative atmosphere rob that from you. You can choose to be happy until you leave the job.
And I hit the send button… as soon as I did it hit me!!!
This was all about me and my situation… on my holodeck.
I can choose to remain positive and up beat while going through this waiting period before changing jobs.
I can choose to continue to deliver excellence and professionalism in a POSITIVE and cheerful manner.
I can choose to take with me the positives of the last 6 years and let go of the negatives… (This is all dependant on the eye of the beholder anyway).
I can choose to really know that “what other people think of me is not my business” when it comes to MY career choices.
Funny that. Yet again, when I hit the snooze bar on my life; I allow myself to forget the most obvious point of all. If “it” is coming up in whatever way in my life, “it” holds meaning for me.
Life is good… and there is always more.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Who are our Children?
Do we care?
I am full of feelings today, rage & sadness. Far too easy is it to blame the child and ignore the adults behaviour.
I was at lunch today with some coworkers and one woman whom I just met. The conversation turned to an account of someone having their son & grandson over for dinner and how the child refused to eat something he had "spit out" on his plate. (a) who wants to eat regurgitated anything if you aren't a bird. (b) maybe something was wrong? The son took the grandson aside and spanked him for refusing to eat it. I was appalled, what a horrible thing to be beaten for.
And then the woman said "I wouldn't have waited so long to beat his bottom" - I assume she is talking about her own son… but no she was talking about her grandson!
The conversation at the table around me continued around horrific behaviour of these (generalization) horrible kids now a days, and how they are in desperate need of discipline (corporal punishment) by their parents.
I am sitting there silent… dumbfounded. Holy cow, do people still feel that spanking and abusing a child is the answer? I agree with the statement that their parents need to be responsible. I also whole heartedly DISAGREE with their suggestions of physical punishment to force submission.
This conversations totally reinforced my desire and urgent need to put on my Discovering Authentic Self and Consciously Parenting workshop.
If 4 out of the 5 women at our lunch table felt in some way that corporal punishment is acceptable and the "answer" to the problem with our children… how many others are out there thinking the same thing?
Have they taken the time to consider their own actions and explore other ways; such as consciously parenting?
And tonight as I am on the computer checking out what sites have been viewed in my home (by my eldest daughter). I am drawn to explore her web page. I recently asked her to put a password protection on her webpage because she has tons of pictures of herself and her friends online and I feel that there is enough on the web for someone to find her if they really wanted to. Now you cannot see her site unless you enter a password.
I am just amazed with the abilities of the 11 & 12 year olds I know to created these fantastic websites and keep them updated.
From Jessica's webpage I link to her friends web pages, all so fantastically done… and yet as you delve more deeply into the sites I am shocked and disturbed by the content.
The content on some of those sites are sexually explicit, expressions of sadness and depression, cries for help, horrific stories of abuse and bullying of others they know.
In one case I am torn… do I call this parent and suggest she reads her daughters website? So she can talk to her 12 year old about what is appropriate and what is not? So she can approach her about the "sad story" she has posted under reads that speaks of sexual abuse to find out if it is fiction or a truth that her daughter has experienced? My gut says yes… call the mother… And I will do this tonight.
And I wonder am I the only parent out of Jessica's group of friends that checks up on what she does online. On what information she is putting out there for the world to see? Try googling your child's name and see what comes up.
Why don’t' others take the time not only to talk to their kids about what's going on in their lives, but to check up on their child's activities that are available online for the world to see, friends, strangers and predators alike?
This concerns me greatly… Do we care about what our children are doing? I do… and I care about yours too!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The Dilemma... or is it?
I want to permanently move into a job that is new and fresh (finance is a permanent one).
The greatest learning experience for me will be with the assignment that I already got a few days before this one(Corporate Services, Strategic Management & Communications Branch).
The dilemma... do I have to choose?
As I was successful in the assignment first, I would accept it first, could I do so in good faith knowing that I may not be allowed to continue on the assignment if I accept the indeterminate position with finance?
I suppose it is all about ask and you shall receive. Open dialogue and communications to both potential managers/directors and the solution just may not be as difficult as I am allowing myself to imagine.
My intention is to go in and ask the management at the finance job if they would still allow me to go on the assignment with CSSMC branch (corporate, strategic, communications).
And I sarcastically say... what a dilemma to be faced with. :o)
Seeing as this is indeed a holographic universe, I know things will work out to my advantage, however that may be.
Life is indeed good, it will be interesting to see how it all happens this upcoming week.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Fever = sickness ... does it?
All week Mike has been ill (he doesn't have a spleen so he typically gets hit hard). High Fever, Lungs hurting in pain, sinus pain and congestion. He has been laid up for most of the week. He has been pumping himself full of drugs and liquids to "treat" himself. (And yes all of these "symptoms" have other meaning too)
Sara (my 2 year old) has since developed a fever and a cough, minor sinus. She has a fever I give her something to bring it down (not that it seems to be working). I have also been giving her massages (which she loves) and physically having her with me by touch, by hugs, by holding hands, whatever she will let me do. I make sure my energy is positive and filled with love and feelings of healing.
Is it going to make the difference? I say it is definitely going to make her feel better, happier, and if it does more that is great.
And I'm aware that this is different, this is my daughter, this is outside of myself... What I may be allowing myself to explore regarding a new view on drugs and my body does not apply with my 2 year old, not yet anyway.
Now I have been getting some spiking temperatures myself. And it seems to pass fairly quickly. I relax, I breathe. And it passes me by. I have been experiencing no other "symptoms" like Mike & Sara have been. And I know, for me, it is because I am embracing it and allowing the information to move within me. I have control of my body, my intentions, and my health. And this is just me. This is something I have recently begun to explore and play with.
A few weeks ago I was sick, I had a chest cold that I just couldn't shake. Curiously enough as soon as I had a long awaited job interview it moved from my chest to my sinuses, then completed away after a day. So this made me thing hey, sickness really is linked to what is going on in your life... there may be something too this.
So now when the fever crept up on me, I welcomed it. I am finding that without drugs I am able to relax into myself and allow it to pass.
At what point does this work with those around me (i.e. Mike & Sara)? And I know that because it is so much about myself, it too is (in turn) about their selves, and I can only support that, I cannot control that. Can I? So much for me to still discover.
Shifting the way I've chosen to live my life and look at my world has allowed me to consider and become curious about all I have "held" to be true.
Is it really? Does it have to be that way? Why?
Most of the time the answer I find is that it isn't, it doesn't, just because someone said that was how it is, doesn't make it so.
I am finding what is working best for me as I choose to move through my world and create my future.
And I know that each one of us perceives life differently and so what works best for me may not work for you, and I challenge you not to resign yourself to settle for the "norm" if it isn't working for you... ask questions... get curious... can there really be another way? Only you will know the answer to that.
Life is good... and there is always more.
Monday, February 05, 2007
The fear of completely trusting.
The fear of knowing.
The fear of feeling.
The fear of self.
I know I can be so much more than I am already if I just allow myself to let go of the fear.
Obviously if I haven't let it go yet it is still serving me a purpose to be hanging onto it. Or is it just such a habitual response of mine now that I am hanging on because it is now a habit.
Let's work this one through... Holding onto fear... why does it still serve me?
- If I keep my self small (i.e. be afraid of just who I am) others won't think any differently of me
- If I don't acknowledge the full personal power I know I am capable of I won't freak myself out with acknowledging ALL of that (i.e. rage, fire, emotions, sadness)
- If I don't completely trust myself and I fail; I can be right with the others who doubted me
- If I hold on to my fear of becoming more... I won't expect more from others
- If I tap into my full on potential, my signal #1, I can be scary to others (one persons perception left an impression on me obviously)
And I think that final point is the point that is holding me back. In November of last year during a WEL-Systems program Resourcefulness in Action, I tapped into that signal #1 and when I realized the potential I had to manifest things in my reality, I was surprised and a bit afraid to try it again.
Soon after I claimed my "rage" back. I had always thought of the word Rage and felt that in no way described who I was. I never felt rage, I was such an easy going person, etc, etc. Who the heck was I fooling? Myself obviously, for years. And when that suppressed rage went through my body; my release of that emotion scared a dear friend of mine. And I didn't want that to happen again, so I stuffed it back in it's box.
So for me the experience of tapping into my full sense of potential, my signal #1, was closely followed by a release of long stored anger and frustration that frightened my friend. Let's cut out some words here and boil down where my fear is stemming from.
My fear of letting go and allowing myself to be fully present is when I did engage with my signal #1 I was a scary person to be around.
I also know this is a story I made up about someone else perception of me. This does not have to be a truth for me anymore because it is MY PERCEPTION of the events that happened. Reading Louise blog and speaking with some women I know, I am drawn back to that day, longing for the feeling I had. I was so in tuned with mySELF... my signal #1, I felt immense, I felt calm, I felt all encompassing, I felt heavy, I felt love, I felt light, and I don't want to hold fear with that anymore. While I was experiencing it there was no fear, there was no hate, there was no negative energy around me... why did I tack the label of fear to something that was so right?
And I pull "Masculine" from my Power Deck by Lynn Andrews. Interesting, in part it says:
So perhaps this is a metaphor for my fear of the rage that is part of me. And I should embrace that side of me, my masculine side as well as my feminine (spear and crucible) in order to feel the whole force that is me.Remember the power of the masculine explodes while the power of the feminine implodes, and a sacred spiral of life is set into motion. One cannot live without the other. The masculine God is in search of the feminine Goddess. He brings gifts of driving force to her powers of intuitive, creative receptivity. Both are equal warriors in the fight against ignorance.... This is your struggle in life and a great source of power for you.
And there is always tomorrow... life is good.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Consciously Choosing
As I'm choosing to live each minute of each day knowing I create my future I find for the most part I am positive and aware of my words, attitude and energies. And I choose to live and share my life with a pessimist (he would say realist, which technically is accurate because that is the reality he chooses to create for himself).
At times Mike chooses to live in a victim state of mind, he will get excited and feel positive for something good that might happen and then waits for others to manifest this idea into a reality for him. When it doesn't happen right away the the negative speaking begins "it won't happen" or "with my luck it's not likely"... how frustrating it is for me to listen to this when I now know how easy it is to create the future you want by choosing in every moment. Choices that will support that future. And now I wonder why I keep silent.
Is it because he has made vocal his wishes not to "be" changed. I don't want to change him. I do wish he'd wake up to the real power that we all have... choice. Consciously choosing. It's much different than just choosing. By consciously choosing we can no longer be victim to circumstance... to shitty luck. Our choice is what is driving the outcome that becomes our reality and by being conscious while choosing we own it.
And I recognize now I am consciously choosing not to engage tonight with Mike about my insights... timing is also an important factor and Super Bowl Sunday just isn't the time.
Until tomorrow... there is always more... life is good.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Written Intentions
Earlier this week I was have coffee and cupcake with a friend and I began to tell her how everything I write down, manifests. Obviously this is the way I prefer to work, if it holds great meaning for me I write down I am going to do "blah". And it just ends up happening. Sometimes it seems to happen without much interference from me, sometimes I need to put more energy into it to make it come to light. However so far it has always happened.
"Energy Flows where Intention Goes" ~ Louise has said I'm sure many times in the past. And I am truly realizing how effortless it can be, as each day goes on, as one intention is created from thought to physical, from dream to reality.
Last night I wrote about the "snails pace" I was experiencing on my work front. And much like writing down my intentions it seems that my writing about my work "competitions" created an avenue for my energy to go.
Today I found out I was successful in an Assignment I was really interested in. I am very happy has happened as I know that working on this assignment will provide me with several growth opportunities. Job wise it will give me a challenge working in a different kind of environment, I will have the opportunity to learn about the "macro" workings of our department (big picture), I will get to know some new people a lot better, and I will have the opportunity to engage with other people, many who already are aware of my journey this past year and who want to "play" too.
I joked that the things I write down tend to happen so I wrote that I would win the lottery... but I suppose you have to actually play it in order to win it. :o)
Life is good... each day unfolds as I create it... and there is always more!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
The Blink of an Eye
The things I am passionate about, learning, growing, leadership, parenting, creating, engaging, etc. are here and gone in a blink of an eye... on to the next step, the next program, the newest workshop, article, book. It has kept my life interesting and exciting and moving forward.
In the meantime back in my workplace I have been waiting for numerous job "competitions" to complete themselves so I can have some movement in my job.
Last June a competitive process was set into place, they were hoping to have it completed quickly. It is now 6 months later and we are all still hopeful that the stalled process will begin to move again. And I wonder is this how it is meant to happen for me? Perhaps it isn't the right time. Who knows?
Another one for another job was posted and I was screened in (which means I'm eligible to compete) and there has been nothing more on it since.
An assignment I've applied in December seems to be moving along more quickly... but another stall. We were supposed to find out last Friday and there has been a delay. I hoped to hear today... now I'm hopeful to find out tomorrow.
Hmm, just what is going on here? What is all of this a metaphor for in my life? Because as I know (and if you read my blog often you know) it is a holographic universe and things happen in it for a reason, always an invitation for me to discover something more.
Life is good... I'm off to a school meeting... there is always more.