How often do you sit and wonder why things have to be so hard?
How much time do you spend thinking of all the things that can go wrong?
Do you run through a million possible what if scenarios in your head?
Think of all the time and energy you spend doing that.
You cannot expect an easy and quick outcome if you are dividing your attention and energy to two different spectrum's of the field.
The outcome will eventually manifest, but how it manifests depends on the type of thoughts and energy you bring it's way.
Think of it this way. All your conscious thought and energy is equal to 100%. There is something you really want to happen (i.e. selling a house) and you know this is your desired outcome. How long does it need to take? How easy will it be?
For me I divided my attention and energy more towards the What if's and I have to's of this process.
I'd say I spent 85% of my inner thoughts on a deal falling through, or maybe what would happen IF I didn't sell my place.
It took me along time to get to the point of letting it go. On the last day of my realtor's contract I had already decided that I was going to take my house off the market for a bit, that I was just going to forget about all the headache of having to prepare the house every week for showings or open houses.
I was done spending all of my energy in trying to make the house nice enough, good enough or right enough for someone to want to buy it (man that sounds alot like feeling unworthy).
And I let go. And an offer came that day, the last day of the contract. It took a bit of negotiating but at the end of it I was clear that if they didn't accept my conditions, then the deal would be null and void. I was not willing to play the game anymore.
During this time my thinking flipped to the other end of the spectrum. Maybe 5% of me worried. 10% of me got fired up. and the other 85% was willing to allow whatever would happen to happen.
And it happened. This morning, the buyers signed off on what I wasn't willing to budge on. It is done.
I wonder if I allowed myself to worry 15% of the time instead of 85% at the beginning how quickly the sale of my house would have manifested.
I had held so much "baggage" with this house that it weighed down my NEEDING to sell it.
A year ago when I first the thought of putting this house up for sale was an out to a relationship I had no desire of being in anymore.
Then I thought the sale of this house was going to be the salvation to my financial difficulties.
After that my thought was of financial security in creating a new beginning for my children and I.
Thoughts that followed soon after was of my despair and need to be away from the memories that this house held.
And finally after all of those burdens and baggage were tied into this event... it made me resentful that the house wasn't selling.
When I began to take charge of my life again (no longer willing to be victim), my experience with the house began to change. It could sell, or not, and it was going to be just fine. It wasn't going to make or break me.
As each day passes I become reacquainted with the strong woman I am. I remember that all of these things (listed above) do not define me. There is only one thing that defines me... MYSELF.