Monday, March 26, 2007

Woman Awakening

I look around me with my eyes wide open and my breath deep in my body. And I see you.

I listen with my ears and my attention deep at the base of my spine. And I hear you.

I close my eyes and know with in myself that you are present, you are home.

My journey is so new, yet it seems I have been doing this forever, it feels so right.

To see other people begin to wake up to their own potential is intoxicating.

To be present when some else finds the sacred within themselves is inexplicable.

To witness a woman claim back her LIFE is simply brilliant and awe inspiring.

Knowing that I have been an invitation for women to awaken to this in themselves has been fantastic, to be a witness to their brilliance, their unlimited potential just by being themselves… there is nothing like it.

Yes our lives can change in an instant, if you allow yourself to become curious and ask the bigger questions. If you take ownership for your life, it will never be the same.

Breathe, follow the impulse, and “know” you are so much more.

Life is good… and there is always more.

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