Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Peace and Traquility

Last night I discovered a place of peace and tranquility.

I discovered a quiet niche.

I discovered a place to be with my thoughts that inspired me to write.

Who Knew it was in my own room?

For a few years I have had an old desk in my room unused (with exception to store my "need to iron" laundry on) at the end of my bed.

I needed to collating the papers for the hand book for this weekend Parenting workshop so I chose to do so in my room. I decided to light the candles (I never use) and get to work.

When I was done I sat at the desk facing my wall (Shirley Valentine moment) and I felt the urge to write. I put on some relaxing music and wrote a short piece entitled "Believe" which I am including at the end of this post.

Who knew I had this inspired space in my sanctuary... my room?

And it beacons me again tonight, come sit, relax, quiet your thoughts and listen to your inner whispers.

Finding time to be with myself is very meaningful for me right now. Centering myself, focusing on my intention for my workshop this weekend.

Life is indeed good, and tomorrow is a new day.


Believe in Self.

Believe in your Truth.

Trust your Experience.

Trust in your Sacred.

Stand in your Majesty.

Know this is who you are.

Know that I am... I am all I need.

I am full of Potential.

I am Capable.

I am Brilliant.

I am a god force expressing myself through this body.

I am... just as you are...

Believe it.

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