I took the weekend to sit with the concept of me as published author, and space seemed to constrict as I thought about how and what would have to be done to achieve that.
Not the time for me to publish what is appearing on the pages as I write about mySELF as parent. Now if there wasn't others involved in MY story, no problem... but I wouldn't necessarily be a parent if the others were not there.
So I breath in... run the scenarios through my body. Produce a chapter that is me, but isn't necessarily the passionate authentic me that I live. Nope doesn't feel right.
Breath in... have published what I am living and have been in the past year, possible outcome, my children's sense of trust and safe haven with me being at stake. Not an option.
Breath in... choice point. Discovering this is not the time for THIS story.
And the space opens, for breath to flow, both in and out. My words once again begin to flow with the KNOWING with in, these words for now, are for me.
My time and place will come, when the space is right.
My sincere thanks to those who offer the writer I am opportunity, love, respect and encouragement.
The book is going to be amazing. And I am alright with being a reader this time around.
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