Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Beneath the Bullshit and Bravado is Brilliance - Article

During my journey of discovering my own personal potential, I would often think about the people I had perceived to have kept me down. I thought of the people I bump heads with. I know now that this is all about me, they don’t know what feelings / energy they were bringing up within me. In reality they weren’t trying to keep me down, really who would consciously do such a thing?
One morning while I was doing my “Igniting the Self” training session I woke up very early and wrote down the title to this article. Once again there is an invitation right here, demanding my attention.

As I let this notion sit with me “Beneath the Bull and Bravado is Brilliance”, I allowed my attention to shift to the potential I know I have. If I have all of this potential, and I know there is more out there in my future… why am I holding others to being less. Just because in the past I held a belief that it was their actions or statements that kept me small. Who am I to sit in judgment, as I myself had at one time felt judged?

It struck me… The very people I bumped up against, are just as full of potential as I am. They can each claim their brilliance that is within them, as we all have it just waiting to be tapped into. Perhaps their need to try to put us down or scoff at our actions is something within them screaming to be recognized? How can we, knowing what we know now, not recognize this magnificent within them?

So yes, the bullshit & bravado people convey is more than likely a front or a strategy. It is an invitation to them to recognize it on their own and claim the message for themselves. Beneath of all that façade is the Brilliance that we all have.

What other people think of me is not about me, this is the same truth we can each claim, and we just have to choose to claim it.

As each of us go through our own journeys in life, remember that there is so much more out there for all of us, never limit yourself to being less than. We each have it in us.

© Lori Walton, 2006
Unlimited Potential. Ever Unfolding. Continually Discovering. Authentic Self.

Power of our Personal Potential - Article

When we step out of the box, and realize we have so much more to offer, how are those around you reacting to it? Do they embrace and support your growth? Are they cynical and judgmental about the changes? How interesting is it that people actually scoff at the notion of Unlimited Potential that we each hold.

When you are presented with the fact that we all have so much potential within us, and how amazing it would be to tap into it, and understand there is so much more we have yet to realize, what is your first instinct/reaction?

Do you scoff to yourself like some might if presented with the same question surrounded by their peers in a group setting? Or do you actually get curious about the potential you personally hold?

When I refer to our Unlimited Potential through these articles, my intention is for you to get curious about what you personally hold.

When you become curious about it, you will begin to get comfortable with the knowledge of the massive amounts of potential you hold. When you become comfortable with that knowledge, you can choose to own your concept of potential. When you own it, it becomes your truth. No one can change that truth but you.

Once you realize the potential you hold, and you choose to own that potential, you may notice you begin to act differently. You may become more confident; you may choose to become responsible for your own future, creator of your own destiny (take ownership as you make your choices). When you can realize how much you have to offer to whatever you put your mind too, you decloak your brilliance for others to see.

By having the courage to decloak your brilliance in front of others, you create the space for them to become curious about their own potential about their own brilliance.

If we all realized our personal potential and accepted the notion of continuously unfolding potential, we could speak our truths with the knowledge of there always being something more. Creating space for others to grow, recognizing that everyone; even those who you bump up against; are full of unlimited potential as well.

To recognize that even with those who are critical of you and your abilities, that somewhere deep down within them, Beneath the Bull and Bravado is Brilliance.

© Lori Walton, 2006
Unlimited Potential. Ever Unfolding. Continually Discovering. Authentic Self.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Stepping out of the Box - Article

Have you ever considered that there may be more out there for you to discover… if only you would have the courage to step out of your box?

If you are anything like I was; you are content with your life as it is now, feeling safe within your box. Perhaps you think, this is who I am, this is all I will ever be, this life is pretty good, I can’t do anything different now anyway so I will just live with it. Notice that voice deep down within your body that knows you could be so much more. Up until this year, I would never listen to that voice, after all I was content in my box.

From an early age I was taught to doubt my Self. My thoughts and ideas were put down or dismissed as being foolish, or ignored completely. When I did or said something I felt my Self needed to say or do, I was humiliated to the point of tears, then told that I should be good (meaning to my child self, ‘don’t speak or act independently’). So by the time I came into my adult hood I had lost my Self. I allowed others through the years to define who I was. After many bouts of depression and self hate, sadness, and loneliness I finally just accepted my lot in life…and I resolved myself to be content with that.

I put on a great façade, always smiling, laughing having a good time. Always keeping in my place, not speaking up about my feelings and opinions. Always doing for others, never able to say “No”. I was a just mom, I was just a clerk, don’t look at me for something special, I doubted my ability to step out of my box. After all, if I stepped out of my box, what would people say? I didn’t have anything to offer.

Then one day I got curious about who I defined my Self to be. As I wrote down the traits I had believed defined me, I discovered that none of those were definitions I had for myself… they were imposed on me. I was not going to be a victim anymore and right then and there I decided I would define my Self, I was stepping out of my box. After all who’s life is it?

I invite you to consider the following questions, notice how your body feels when you read them, and pay attention to that…

Is your definition of Self truly your own definition?

Are you holding yourself in a certain box because of uncertainty or fear?

Do you believe that you are capable of doing more, living more, being more?

What is holding you back from awakening to your own brilliance and true Self? Realizing the Power of your Personal Potential?

© Lori Walton, 2006
Unlimited Potential. Ever Unfolding. Continually Discovering. Authentic Self.

Monday, July 10, 2006