Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Take our Kids to Work Day

As I mentioned in an earlier blog, I have been asked if I would do a presentation for "Take our Kids to Work Day" in our Department.

I have taken up this challenge and am quite excited over the prospect of being able to speak to a group of teenagers about not limiting their potential.

Something I learned from doing this is that there is no need to "neuter" my words because of the age group, we are all brilliant and capable of "hearing" what we are presented with, and if we are confused, we are all intelligent enough to ask for clarification.

I present during the opening first thing in the morning. I've posted my presentation below for your reading pleasure. ;o)

Leadership – What is it all about?

Personal Intro

I was asked if I would come and talk to you about some topic, my choice. In my job here at PWGSC I am a Project Assistant/Survey Clerk. What do you think an Assistant or Clerk does?

That's right…I deal with a lot of information/administrative details such as creating databases, writing letters, doing contracts…and... that is not what I am going to talk to you about.

I am here to talk to you about Leadership.

When you think of Leadership Who do you think of? What types of jobs or titles does a leader hold?

For each of us when we think of leadership we will each think of something different; Boss, Parent, Teacher, Coach, Premier or Prime Minister.

Each person perceives / views leadership differently. Sometimes people in “authority” positions don’t always act as a “leader” should. And a leader can NOT lead if there is nobody to follow them.

What are some of the different traits or characteristics you think a leader should have?

And we will each associate different character traits with our own definition of leader; Powerful, Rich, Authoritative, In Charge of Group/Team/Office.

I’m going to read to you some quotes from various people on leadership and success.

“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s the determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti, Grand Prix Racer

“Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things.” – Peter Druker, Management Consultant

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” – Oprah Winfrey, Queen of Daytime

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” – Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize Winner

“The only failure is not to try.” – George Clooney, Actor / Activist

As you can see, each one of these people has their own view on “leadership and success”. This is what I want you to understand… I want to make sure you know … you don't need a title to be a leader… Not when you enter the work place or at school.

You don't have to be president of any club or team to demonstrate leadership skills. At work no matter what field you decide to go into, you can be a strong leader if you come in with the right attitude.

A lot of you may not see how Leadership relates to you… you don’t see yourself as having any of these traits we talked about. I'm here to tell you Leadership is in each and every one of you and here are some key ways to engage in it;

Be true to yourself… don't listen to others if they are trying to make you do something or agree with something you know deep inside doesn't make you feel good.

Become clear with who you are and what you stand for… and have to courage to stand up for that if someone tries to sway you.

Speak clearly about your beliefs… and respect other peoples beliefs, after all we can all learn from each other if we take the time to listen.

Realize the way you already engage in leading is fantastic; whether it be with younger siblings; children you baby-sit; people you volunteer with or your parents and teachers; you all have something valuable to pass on to others to make them more! I learn from my children all the time. How to listen to them; how to not jump to conclusions; to realize how I had put my own insecurities on them by pushing them to do more and be more.

Encourage others to be true to themselves, become clear with who they are and invite them to speak about their opinions and personal beliefs… you can do this by setting a good example simply by your own actions or you can do this by becoming curious about others thoughts and opinions.

Recognize the potential within your self and come to know that everyone you meet has the same potential; they just need to explore it.

If you were all to engage as “leaders” and not forget that you all have it in you, our future is going to be amazing.

I’m going to share now with you my journey in leadership.

When I speak of myself… know that the same is true for each of you, we all have the potential to be more than we allow ourselves to be.

Last year I felt I was just a clerk… I would be nothing more… I didn't have a voice and I didn't have the courage or confidence to speak my opinion.

After all…who was I to stand up and speak my mind, voice my concerns on what was going on in my world?

I had convinced myself my life could be worse and I should accept that the life I was living wasn’t so bad after all…. …Was I selling myself short.

This past year I have become very clear with Who I am… my true self.

I have found my voice… it is a strong and intelligent voice… and I now use it because what I have to say is important.

I have become curious as to why other people don't recognize the intelligence within themselves and to why they no longer trust their voice or their message.

It has become my intention to help waken as many people as I can… through sharing my story and journey… so that they too can find that brilliant person within themselves.

I am now a Published Author… my articles all have to do with discovering yourself and leadership (particularly women in leadership). I am published through PWGSC’s online newsletter… I am published nationally …and internationally both through a company in Ottawa and one in the United States.

I am now an active participant in our Employment Equity & Diversity Council; I am chairing this years Women's Leadership Learning Event, "Developing our Leadership - Exploring our Potential".

I am an active member of our Union Executive Committee.

I am an advocated for change… I say this in the context of helping to change the way people view themselves. Trying to make sure there are resources available for those interested in becoming more and developing their leadership.

I have created a space for women leaders in the Community to come together 4 times a year to network and have discussions. Some of these women are politicians, business & community leaders.

And there is so much more...

As you can see, although my actual job doesn't sound like I would have anything to do with leadership…I am very much a Leader.

We all have that ability within us. We just need to find it and live it.

I hope I leave you today with an invitation for you to become curious about yourselves and just who more you can become... You are our future.

My hope is that the future will hold many young men and women like yourselves, who know you are already leaders … …and there is no limit to what you set your mind to. Recognize it, claim it, live it.

I’d like to draw your attention to the second last page of the hand out I gave you.

I will leave you with these last thoughts Louise LeBrun once said “As we step into and claim the undeniable truth of who we are, our world changes – and yet, all we’ve done is show up for our own life.”

When it comes to leadership are you showing up for yours?

Monday, October 30, 2006

Impeccability - The Power Deck by Lynn V. Andrews

So after I write my blog entry "Taking Time for Self" I pull a card from The Power Deck.

The card I pull is Impeccability... "Gather your power with impeccability. With the intensity of a rubber band pulled and held at its breaking point, gather your intent and focus on your impeccability, for the job about to be done."

What a metaphor for what I just described, trying to make sure everything I am doing is on track...

Taking Time for Self

As I'm coming to the end of a very busy day of making sure everything I am doing is on track, I find myself wondering why I drove myself at such a pace today?

Why did I feel the need to try to finalize so much instead of taking the time to breath an enjoy each of the tasks as I was doing them?

Am I still trying to prove myself? And if so to who?

As I check in with myself I feel okay (now). Maybe a peice of me thrives on chaos? Needs to be driven by a sense of urgency? Or perhaps I am trying to do everything I want to do and more... all at once?

As I reflect on my day today I know that I must just take time for myself.

To play.

To recharge.

To just be and know all that I do will be done whenever it gets done.

I know in my Self this is not the type of day I am used to, I am relatively a laid back person and perhaps today was just a reminder to BREATHE...

So I will leave it alone, sign off, play with my beautiful childern, and take a nice soak in the tub tonight, with a book or not. And breathe...

Friday, October 27, 2006

So Far... So Fast

It strikes me as funny that everything I do, everything I touch seems to have to do with my intention. I have never in my life experienced anything quite like this. It really is amazing to finally see all that has been manifesting in my life.

The people I have been meeting lately have all seemed passionate about the same sort of things I am passionate about. Women's Leadership, Diversity, how we all carry such amazing potential yet still such of a small amount of women realize what they hold.

People have been seeking me out as well. Interested in the changes they have seen in me or drawn to my essence of being (as hoakey as that may sound). They are people wanting change in their own life, who have been touched by my stories.

I am wondering if it is just me who feels acceleration in the area of Women's Leadership; an increase of those who are interested in more... or maybe this is just because I am so much involved in it all now. After all it is all about me and it is my holodeck.

I am going to have the opportunity next week to speak to a group of grade 9 students who will be coming to my department for "Take your Kids to Work Day". I was approached by someone to talk about anything I wanted to talk about (they were looking for speakers). I told them I would think about it, went back to my desk and jotted a note to myself to think about it... while I did that I wrote down 2 possible topics and as soon as I wrote down "Leadership" I kept writing... and had my presentation done in 45 mins. :o)

So next Wednesday I am the third speaker scheduled for the morning and I am so excited that I will get to speak to these fantastic individual and let them know that they are already brilliant leaders who hold lessons for all of us, and to never forget that you don't need a title to engage in "leadership". What a great opportunity... and yet another forum that has opened up to me to get my message, my story out.

Life is evolving and unfolding at an amazing pace, and I love every second of it.
A good friend e-mailed me today commenting on my blog. In her e-mail she came to some really great insights and raised some really good questions. I would like to share them with you all (with her permission).

(Any comments I may add are in purple)

Sarah Witherell wrote:

I just read your blog again:) I got to read your articles. AWESOME. Lori.....it was as if I was reading something out of one of Louises books. (quite a grand compliment, thank you) Really awesome for you to share your inner most thoughts so bravely and fearlessly....it certainly has inspired me to do the same :)

The article on bullshit, really got things moving in me.....because that's something I still struggle with. I know because of the closed loop systems that I have grown up in and worked in (not through their bad intentions but through being socially conditioned too) that its caused me to really take things personal and to let others hold the power of me(or I should say...I believed that they held the power of me). So constantly trying to achieve power and confidence has been a downward struggle directly relating to what others think of me. Which is not only unfair to me but also unfair to them. By becoming responsible fully for my own power (looking in myself...not to others, decloaking, speaking my truth, allowing my body to tell me the truth) will allow me to be free from the preconceived idea that I truly was a product of my environment and of my genes. Which to me feels like bricks being knocked off of my shoulders. I still feel abit unsteady but I am sure by the end of ITS...i will be grounded.

I have been procrastinating starting my article for ITS. but I think i am almost ready to start writing.

I feel like i am definitly a ripple in the tsunami......and i really hope I can cause major ripples in others lives as well :)

My view of humans beings has totally changed. Our society has absolutly not created a life supporting environment or helped us be what we are meant to be....it has turned us into very selfish, closed off, low level thinking creatures for the most part. Welsystems brings a breath of fresh air and hope, and goodness, and inspiration back to living. What I have a really hard time coming to grips (peace) with is why......why have we (super smart information processing machines) allowed ourselves to contribute and participate in how society has taken shape? Maybe it was our habitual tendencies overriding our briliance? Where did it all start? Who started human beings off on such a self distructive path? And why did it take so long to recognize this? or was it recognized and noone had that courage to speak it?

i am so full of questions....more so then answers!!!!

And to this I say... we are contining to evolve, there are always questions, reasons to become curious... there is always more.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ripples...Waves...Tsunami - Article

I often hear people asking; how can I get the message out? How can I make change happen? Those who need to hear the message don’t come out to the forums where the message is being delivered… how can we make sure they hear it so they recognize the importance of it? Why don’t people listen to me? How can I change them? Make them see what they should be doing? Hear and understand the message?

You can’t. Simply put you cannot change anyone. You cannot “make” them see what they “should” do. They will not “hear” and “understand” anything if they are not willing and curious about it to begin with. And how do they get that way if it all seem hopeless.

Some good ways to do it with out having to twist somebody’s arm are:

  • Lead by example
  • Create the space to invite others to become curious
  • Speak from your authentic self
  • Speak your truth and encourage others by being curious about their truths
  • Tell people what you have experienced that is meaningful to you
There is nothing special or extraordinary about these things. There is no need to take a special course, it is something we all have access to right now, within each of our beings; our authentic sound/voice and the ability to be curious and have fun.

You can lead by example by simply being your authentic self, decloaking your brilliance for all to see. Other can see this and may become curious about your message, your passion. They will see the confidence and clarity in you and perhaps become curious about how they too can engage in life differently.
If just one person is moved by the message you have or story you hold they will speak of it, perhaps be so moved by it they will tell everyone they see. If they relay the message to another, because your story moved them enough that they are still talking about it, they will in turn make someone else curious about it. That person begins to speak and so the ripples of change begin.

We cannot expect cultural, organizational or generative change to happen in an instant. However the ripples grow into waves, the waves grow into tidal waves… and eventually the tsunami will come. I feel that tsunami is imminent, we are literally on the cusp, the tipping point as it has been referred to by many. The momentum is out there. All organizations are buzzing about it, through the public and private sector, through all levels of government. Change is needed and the old way of running business just isn’t working anymore. Women, now more than ever, want to be an actively engaged part of this change. And it will happen with women in the lead.

Every where I turn I am meeting people who want more, who know they can make a difference and want to be ignited and empowered.

The culture is primed for it. New employees coming into organizations are not always going to be content with sitting around doing the work and not having a voice. This needs to be addressed and recognized immediately if we want to retain these individuals who are already ignited and willing to engage. We need to celebrate our diversity, not just accept it or deem it equal. We are each brilliant individuals regardless of race, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality or ability. We each have a unique story to tell that if celebrated would enrich us all as an individuals, an organization and more importantly our society.

We all have a story to tell, one that will bring up information within ourselves which we can grow from.

We can all get the message out, what ever the message may be. We all have a brilliant voice that deserves to be heard and we should all live authentically to encourage change; the changes that are so desperately needed in our society.

Come to recognize your authentic voice, have the courage to speak your truth, we can facilitate change. One by one, ripple to wave…

© Lori Walton 2006

Monday, October 23, 2006

Wonderful Women

Had a fantastic lunch today with some of my friends, colleagues and women who attended Igniting the Self (WEL-Systems certification program) at the same time I did in June of this year.

I have been asked to Chair our departments Women's Leadership Series Learning Event, which I accepted. I am enjoying the prospect of having yet another forum for me to speak of my views on Women's Leadership and perhaps help to invite others to waken to the power of their own personal potential. The theme for this event is "Developing our Leadership - Exploring our Potential", I feel this captures my vision for this event. Developing the way we are already engaging in leadership and exploring the possibilities of our potential, just how big can we go?

At lunch with these 4 phenomenal women we discussed the Women's Leadership Event and had some really great conversations abut where we are at in each of our journeys. Always good to reconnect like that. As I was sitting there listening to the conversation going on at our table, I could feel the energy... it was tangible. There is definitely something about leadership that gets our fire moving. I loved sitting back and seeing how we were ignited & engaged just at our table. As we discussed the topic at hand, what did we feel, would best serve our co-workers at the leadership learning event, each of us keep wanting to create more space. Who else can we invite? How can we bring it to our colleagues in the regions? Can we do something like this for the young men in our organization who are wanting more, needing to engage? The possibilities are endless... and there is always more.

Things I noticed today:

  • Women's Leadership is taking up more and more space in my life
  • Living Authentically is effortless
  • The only person who limits us are ourselves
  • People come onto your radar for a reason... connections are made

As I was speaking with Cathy Carmody (good friend and facilitator for the Women's Leadership event), she asked if though more about being the keynote speaker at our event. I will. I don't know exactly what I will speak about yet and as Cathy wisely mentioned to me, I will be fresh out of Resourcefulness in Action, my next certification level through the WEL-Systems so I will be all fired up.

How exciting. Until next time.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Beginning

Alright, I have finally gotten started on this Blog Spot. To create space for myself to reflect on my journey and allow others to join me for this ride.

Life has been unfolding so quickly for me since I have begun this journey in January 2006. Much has been happening, yet it is all so effortless. I simply do things because I want to do them. I don't think too much about it anymore.

I know that stories are powerful tools in everyones unfolding self. Everybody has a story and in that story so much can be learned by others about themselves. In this space I will be telling my story, and by doing so perhaps it will bring something up within yourself. Stir up some feelings. Cause you to pause and become curious about what is happening in your life, and how is it serving you?

This is my story, my journey, my life. Welcome, come along for the ride!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Reflections of my Self - Article reflecting "Decloaking" being published

It seems since I have taken “Igniting the Self” (ITS) my life is unfolding at an extraordinary pace, yet I don’t feel any different. I am simply me, at the same time there is so much that is happening in my life.

My articles of my awakening and my journey are being published regionally, nationally and internationally.

My “Leadership” at work is being recognized, not in my actual “job” but in committees, councils and groups. Many managers and directors in my department have encouraged me to continue my journey, continue to question, and continue to engage at work.

One manager in particular wanted to discuss the notion of “leadership” and what my experiences have been. He encouraged me to continue on my leadership path and to surround myself with positive people.

Another manager and I discussed our views on Women’s Leadership in particular and how he has observed that most women managers do not embrace their unique skills, they manage like all the other male managers. Interesting that a male manager would make this observation.

As I write this, I’m noticing how funny it is to be writing these words of leadership and my leadership journey, if you read my article in the May 2006 ChoicePoints Newsletter “My Awakening” you would see how different it is for me to be speaking in this way now. It hasn’t even been a year yet that I have come to awaken to my Self.

Many people have positive comments for me, although some just can’t put their finger on “what” is different, I just “glow”, something is “working for you lately” but they can’t figure out just what it is. Inside I think…HELLO, this is me! This is the magnificent, brilliant Lori Walton I forgot about for all of my life.

So many things are happening, yet I just am. I am not mindful of these things; I do not have a check list “go talk to the manager today”, “discuss leadership with this person”, etc. I set my intention and I focus on that intention, my intention seems to have taken on a life of its own. All these things, opportunities, conversations… are manifesting themselves towards my intention. Quite powerful to step back and notice these changes. All because I was willing to decloak and stand in my true authentic self. “Igniting the Self” provided me that clarity.

I had written an article called “Our Authentic Voice” for my department on behalf of the woman who participated in this Women and Leadership Program. What a croc that was… it definitely wasn’t MY authentic voice. My personal experience with the program was so life changing (My Awakening); I was so frustrated with myself for the article I wrote on behalf of the group. It was so small in comparison. At "Igniting the Self" (ITS) I began to get curious about what I can do about it. I decided I would approach my communications department about doing a series of articles about my experience and my journey.

When I got back to work after my week at ITS, I put together a proposal, I had already written some of the articles and I had the titles for the remaining ones. I met with my Director and discussed it with her; she was very supportive and sent me to speak to the correct people to pitch my proposal. After my pitch my department’s newsletter was not only going to publish my articles but they were also going to give me my own space on the newsletter which I have called “Exploring Our Potential”.

The first of the series of 5 articles I originally proposed was “Decloaking” and it was written to start readers off with my realizing, understanding my fear of writing my truth in the last article “Our Authentic Voices”. It was a liberating article for me to write, to decloak and stand raw in front of my co-workers, and be proud of who I am. I surprised myself when it was published by sending the link to all of my co-workers so they would be sure to read it. Funny how I was once so afraid of what they would think.

I included my e-mail with the article so, if they so choose to, my readers could contact me and comment or ask questions about my article. Other than those I already know congratulating me, I did receive one e-mail from a woman I do not know, expressing her thanks for the article and commenting on my bravery for writing it. This is one person I know I’ve touched with my story, and perhaps invited her to begin to awaken to her own self.

One by one, person by person, the word spreads, of how easy it really is, once you discover who you are, and are true to yourself. Once you are free in your own skin, to decloak for all to see.

Enjoy my article “Decloaking” and the remainder of the series that I will include here on ChoicePoints. As well, I’m including my story of releasing each article for my department, standing raw in front of my coworkers, Decloaking, for all to read.

© Lori Walton, 2006