Friday, August 31, 2007

Restless when Static

Breaks, rests, vacation... Although I had so much fun with my girls, friends and family, part of me felt that all of this time was making things static. I began to worry and had a lack of trust in the process of allowing things to happen with out needing to be constantly pushing them.

As I kicked back and enjoyed my time with my kids, my friends and my family there was a little nagging voice in the back of my mind..."But you are not DOING anything". I began to get really restless in the past few weeks, needing to see the status of upcoming workshops & retreats that are coming up in the fall and trying to nail down the details.

I had to go very quickly from being the detail and doer person to having 2 of my workshops arranged and organized by others. All there is for me to do is be present and who up.

There is a control issue here fro me. It is difficult to sit back and take my hands off of something that I have become very passionate about. 75% or the time I am enjoying the notion of just having to show up and the other 25% rears it's head and says "make sure it's on track"!

Letting go... in those times I fell restless I really just need to... Stop... Breathe.. and let go. Knowing the manifestation spiral is already in motion, trusting in the process, trusting in myself.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? There is always more.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Position and Title don't make a Leader

My thoughts are riddled today with leaders and leadership; power and power trips. With what is beneath decisions and actions that seen cold hearted, malicious and 'personal'.

What lies beneath it all? The individual in their full majesty. Along with all the filters from their past experiences, sometimes clouded with preconceived notions of others, judgments and assumptions about that other individual or collective.

Through this project a good proportion of the leaders I have been speaking with have said how important it is to engage with your team in an equitable way (this does not mean equal). This is about seeing each person as an individual, finding out about them and working with them how it works for them.

What is important to an individual isn't always the same for the whole collective.

What makes one person's needs, goals and objectives matter more than another? Perhaps a lack of respect, empathy, understanding and compassion? Perhaps ego or fear of losing control? May it's the need to keep up pretences and appear to be running a tight ship? Forgetting that the individual people are what makes the ship run, maintaining it, making repairs and keeping it moving forward.

If you take the focus off the people your ship will eventually sink. Especially when the sense of personal power turns to a power trip and the 'captain' begins to dictate and micromanage others lives and styles of getting the job done. When it begins to become important to make an employee a carbon copy of yourself or of what you think they should be, instead off harnessing their individuality, strengths and ideas.

Remembering that any collective, business or organization is only that because of the individual people who do the work.

Diversity... embracing and recognizing it in the individuals of the collective. Working towards a creative workplace, where ideas, thoughts and different viewpoints are celebrated and valued.

Having a position and title indeed does not make a leader. There is so much more to it than that.

Life is good... and there is always more.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Somethings I noticed this weekend.

  1. I need to take more time to listen to my kids when they want my attention, in that moment if possible.
  2. When Mike would tell me I ignore the kids (and him) the first few times they try to get my attention he was telling the truth (who knew).
  3. My children are brilliant (as are all of our children) if only we took the time to hear what they are saying.
  4. It's fun to let loose and dance in a field when nobody is around.
  5. Kids like to run, even when they fall and you are comforting them, they sob out they want to run again.
  6. Running with my 3 year old makes me feel like a child again.
  7. Remember to always let Jessica be a child and have fun... she is only twelve (oh my god she is twelve already?!?!?)
  8. Running into the ocean in your underwear in the middle of nowhere is invigorating!
  9. I have more courage than I thought (mice nests, spiders, big ass bugs I can handle it).
  10. I have discovered that when life gives me lemons I am automatically choosing to make lemonade. :o) Me an optimist? When did that happen? (maybe in Jan 2006)

Renos on my house are in full swing, I'm exhausted and am looking forward to lying down tonight.

Until tomorrow... when there is always more.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A personal ah-ha in a WEL-System context

As I was engaging in a coaching session last night and moving through the "White Feather" meditation I made some connections that were not yet in my conscious awareness.

As we move through the crown chakra, imagining your spine as a hollow tube (your core), and down through each of the other 7 major chakra's down to the base of your spine.

I noticed that as we are creating the space to get grounded or connected if you will to the base of your spine, we need to move through each of those areas and every thing they represent.

So as the base of your spine is where many cultures and people believe spirit touches tissue, or where your Chi or Ki resides. It is also below the 1st chakra centre.

In the WEL-Systems context we need to allow our signal to flow through each of the 7 centres, which each represent or often correlate to different things in our lives. Like Spirituality, Identity, Voice/Choice, Beliefs/Values/Attitudes, Ability to take action on your own behalf, Early Childhood/Culturally Conditioned Self, and Safety Issues.

We need to CUT through all of those held beliefs that we may have held about ourselves in order to truly connect with SELF, authentic self, your godforce, spirit, soul, whatever you want to name it.

This isn't to say we don't honour the waves that come up while opening up and creating space for the information to present. Ride each of them out, notice them, allow them to move you in whatever direction they may need to with each passing breath, remembering that where spirit touches tissue is the driver of it all.

When you are truly grounded in your body... you are more apt to listen to your Signal # 1, your authentic self.

All of this was in my awareness in one form or another... but last night they just fell into a totally different light for me. It has been a very interesting insight to notice.

Those who don't know what the heck I'm talking about... but are curious... drop me a line we can talk.

Tomorrow is another day... and there is always more.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday, Monday...

Although I have to work, today is all about Jessica. For the first time I am trusting her implicitly...

No that isn't correct, it isn't about trusting her, it is about me letting go and releasing "control" over my daughter.

Today I am letting go of my fears and my story about Jessica being too young. My gorgeous twelve year old will be walking down to catch the 9:37 ferry this morning and she will be joining me at work for the day.

While there she will probably be planning her "End of Summer Yard Sale".

Although I have lots of work today it will be nice to have her around. We will be able to go for a walk during lunch, enjoy the ferry ride home tonight and our walk home.

At 6 p.m. we have reservations to enjoy a tasters night with some friends of mine, Sarah & Christa. Jessica has been looking forward to doing this with us (although she is very afraid of Sushi)!

As Jessica is getting older, and as I see her more as the individual she is, I am more and more comfortable and happy to be able to share things like this from my life, with her.

I am in constant awe of the young woman she is.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Change is Inevitable

The winds of change are continuously blowing. As each day passes, with each new piece of knowledge, with each experience... we change.

Every corporation, organization or association goes through changes, re-organizing, shuffling, transition, whatever. Some organizations are constantly changing, in others you only notice it happening every once and a while.

Truth be told we all, individuals and organizations, are constantly changing. It's a part of life... like each breath. So why are so many so strongly affected by change? Is it the fear of the unknown or the loss of comfort of what you are used to?

Change or the prospect of change effects ever person differently. Some people get stressed out about it. Others are consumed by it, try to find out how it will affect them. Some others still will sit back and be shaped by it, feeling they have no control over it, that there is nothing they can say to make a difference.

Some people will feel they have no control over it, that they are victims to other peoples decisions. There are those who are resistant to change. Those who are unhappy with it and those who will do nothing but bitch and complain. Cynicism breeds around those people.

Where is the power? Within yourself! You can't always change the way things go, but you can choose to make your voice heard.

You can choose to get involved to help shape the way things will go. Or at the very least you can choose not to dwell on the outcome if you truly feel it is out of your hands... you can choose to educate yourself and make the best of the situation, whatever it may be.

You can choose to remove yourself from the conversations of people who are sitting around bitching and complaining, who are not willing to do anything about it but bitch and moan. You can even choose to have a different type of conversation during those times inviting that person (people) to get out of the static cycle of complaining and move forward into making a difference.

We all can effect change. Yet most of us don't realize our own personal power... voice, opinion, unique view points.

Change is inevitable... so realize that we all have the power to shape it.

Tomorrow is another day... there is always more.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Back to the Grind

I spent much of yesterday dreading coming back to work today.

It is supposed to rain.

I am once again down to 1 vehicle (I had use of my mothers car for the past week).

I'd have to get up and mobile early (to leave the house before 7 a.m.)

All and all I had assumed I knew how today would unfold.

So as I woke up this morning I got ready for work, had breakfast and gathered up Sara's meals for the sitters house, thinking how cranky she is going to be that I have to wake her up this early... when in walks Sara.

Not only is she up, but she is in a good mood. A sign of the day ahead.

I got her dressed and we left the house 10 minutes early, providing us time to enjoy our walk to the babysitters house.

I dropped her off without any grief and off I went plugged into Jessica's MP3 Player to catch the Ferry to work.

Upon my arrival to the office I was greeted with silence... no one was here. It turns out that a whole lot of people are out of the office, on course or on vacation... today is going to be quiet, a good day to ease back in after a few weeks vacation.

It took me 2 hours to read through my e-mails I missed. I have even managed to reply to some.

I interviewed the Regional Director from Newfoundland & Labrador for my Summer Project this morning. The words that came out of this man's mouth during a town hall I attended in St. John's last year inspired my article Ripples...Waves...Tsunami. I really looked forward to speaking with him this morning about his views on Leadership and I was not disappointed.

Now it is lunchtime already. Time to run some errands. Back to the grind of "scheduled" life.

Tomorrow is another day. There is always more.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Celebrating 3 years of Sara!

3 years ago today at this time of night I was in labour fully engaged with the immanent arrival of Sara.

Now 3 years later Sara is spending her first night (tonight) sleeping in panties for the first time! Those of you with children will appreciate this accomplishment.

Tomorrow is Sara's Birthday. Breakfast, bath, shopping, soccer, lunch, nap... what ever else we choose to do to let Sara's signal lead us for the day. This day that marks her first breath in this physical world.

Tomorrow I must be aware of being conscious to recognize her godforce and follow her impulse for the day. Can I do it?

Of course, if I choose to. I will have to be very present in myself tomorrow.

Consciously Choosing Connectedness.

Tomorrow is another day, and there is always more.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Hurry Up and Wait

As I sat at the computer this morning with my coffee Hurry Up and Wait comes to my mind.

See Sara & I already have been to the grocery store this morning only to find out it wasn't open yet. Hurry up and wait.

She was devastated. And I suppose looking back I can see why. She and I always go to the grocery store together.

She walks beside the cart, always promising to "not run away" until temptation proves to great and she runs off to hide from me.

She kisses the items she likes on the shelves and has been seen hugging yogurt in the dairy case on numerous occasions.

She bats her eyes and asks for a piece of lunch meat while at the deli and cookies from the bakery. Of course she is upset when we were right at the front doors only to have to turn around and come back home because the store was closed.

It is Natal Day here in Nova Scotia, I suppose the stores are on holiday hours. Funny how when you are on vacation you don't think of the actual holidays that might lie within that time.

Hurry up and wait.

Yesterday we brought Jessica to her Choir Camp in Berwick. She will be there for a whole week. We arrived a whole hour early. Hurry up and wait.

We were first in line and one of the first to leave the campgrounds. Hurry up and wait.

And I wonder why I am so concerned with getting things done and out of the way so I can say they are done?

Is it to create space for whatever might lie next?

Is it because I am impatient?

Is it simply because I am acting as "the spirit" moves me?

Or is it because I'm anal about being late? LOL

Who knows? However it seems in my life I am always in the mode of Hurry Up and Wait.

What will tomorrow bring? Another Day... there is always more.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Here I am completing my first week of vacation... already it feels pretty good, my sense is that it will be hard to get back to work on the 13th or will it? Who can really say? I will just have to wait and see how it all goes.

I have been enjoying my time with my girls; shopping, cuddling, reading, cleaning or not cleaning (as the spirit moves).

Mike took a few days off of work this week. On Wednesday we went to Upper Clements Park (about 2 hr drive). We brought enough money for admission and meals then we packed some drinks, some snacks, some toys for the car and headed out.

It turns out Sara is quite a good traveller (who knew). She was quite content with watching the scenery as we passed by, getting excited about cows and horses she might see, singing away to Pink Floyd in the back seat as Mike and I sang in the front. Jessica plugged into her MP3 enjoying her own music.

We arrived just prior to the 11 a.m. park opening. We got out and stretched, had a little snack and some drinks then headed over to the line up. Walking through the park there was little shops and a gazebo. As we walked down a the path we came across 2 towers at the base of one was a slide, the catch was you had to climb up the stairs in one of the tower then walk across a rope bridge to get to the other side. Mike took her of course (I have an aversion to heights). She loved it.

While they climbed the tower, Jessica went off to get an airbrush tattoo of a butterfly that "should last up to 30 days". It really was a beautiful butterfly (while it lasted). We all had a very good time. Going on Rides, driving antique cars (all of us), wandering around the grounds, taking a train ride, sitting in the shade under a tree. Taking time to slow down and enjoy each other.

It really was a great day. We arrived home around 7 or 7:30 p.m. Tuckered out from a wonderful day in the fresh air and sunshine.

Yesterday I took the girls to Conrad's Beach (just before Lawrencetown). It is a very sandy beach right on the Atlantic Ocean. Which would normally be too cold to swim in, but the heat we have been experiencing lately made the ocean a welcome relief.

Jessica and her friend went off to brave the cold waves, skrieking as each one would come and crash over them. They would shriek at the onslaught of seaweed that some of the waves carried into the shore. They would shriek at the deer flies as they would come to buzz around them. Overall those twelve-year-old girls were very noisy... but they had lots of fun.

Sara and I sat right on the edge of the ocean digging in the sand, sometimes the waves would make it to our building site and we would get wet bums, but mostly we built a huge "castle" (pile of sand) and picked up and felt different types of seaweed. Sara was content to dig by herself for some time while I sat back in my chair and watched the scenery and enjoyed the sounds.

After a while I went back to ask Sara if she wanted to go swimming; she and I braved the cold waves. She would jump right out of the water (with some help from Mom) as each wave approached, she would clear each one. At times her hat would get carried away with a wave but that just added to the adventure.

When I had enough and turned to go back to shore Sara was quick to let me know she was not yet done. Hmm, she will be 3 in a few days, and still very much expressing the godforce she is, wanting to remain frolicking in the waves a while longer. I relented... after all this is vacation.

As we came onto shore to warm up she and I laid on the blanket under the umbrella. I managed to half convince her that all the people laying on the beach were taking a nap, so she amused me for all of 3 minutes, pretending to sleep then played in the shade for another 20 before heading back down to her castle in the sand.

Jessica and her friend barely left the water, they were having a blast riding the waves. As I looked out at them I chuckled to myself to see that they were now picking up that dreaded seaweed and tossing it at each other. What a fantastic day.

This morning I am sitting out on the deck with a laptop I borrowed from work. Sara decided she wanted to play outside this morning. My cats are on each side of me grooming themselves. The birds are chirping and I can feel that it is going to be another scorcher today (thank goodness we invested in an air conditioner a few years ago).

Sara is playing in the tent on the deck with a dollhouse. Jessica and her friend were supposed to sleep out here last night however at about 11 p.m. the unmistakable scent of a skunk drifted into the living room window and I knew the girls would be wanting to come inside. I popped my head to the window and before I could ask the girls if they heard anything they were freaking out over the stench they smelled.

I turned on the lights and made sure it was safe for them to exit the tent and they were in the house like a shot. Leaving behind some blankets, a dollhouse and some dolls that Sara is now happily enjoying as I sip my coffee and write these words. (Yuck... cold coffee now)

On Sunday Jessica goes off to Choir Camp for a whole week. Last night I promised her 26 letters from home. I will seal 26 envelopes each with a letter from the alphabet. LOL, she will love me next week!

My intention for next week is to get up when Mike leaves for work (6 a.m.) and spend some alone time working on compiling my thoughts from each interview I have conducted so far for my Summer Project. I am very excited with what my final product will look like because I just don't know. With each interview I have new thoughts and insights on leadership. What I have been noticing is the qualities and traits each individual identify as recognising in others are in fact traits and qualities that the person already possesses and demonstrates themselves. What I am now getting curious about is can one recognize something in another that they don't already have somewhere within themselves?

Vacation... spending my days by my own design (and that of my children of course).

Life is good; tomorrow is a new day (and I'll still be on vacation so there is always more!)