Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Starting the Chapter - Getting rid of the baggage

I have been invited to participate in a book project entitled Parenting: Guardians of the Vision - The Birthright of Potential. Today I sat down and reviewed what I had already written when I was initially invited to participate in this project.

What I noticed was I seemed to be writing from a victim standpoint. In trying to share my past parenting perspective I was not owning anything, I was saying things like, my ex did it this way, my ex expected me to parent that way.

While I read those words today, I noticed, this doesn't matter, the past is the past and started fresh.

So I began again, only to pick up from the self imposed hiatus I placed myself in in May of last year. And the words flowed, my story as mother in a difficult situation, protecting my girls, trusting their intelligence, allowing myself to be authentic and present to them... there is more to write there and I am uncertain as to if I will submit this chapter I am currently writing as part of this project or if I find another forum for it.

All I know is that the words flowed out with no stories... no tears... no waves of pent up emotion... it felt completed and matter of fact. If this story does eventually get published then I must write under a different name to preserve the anonymity of my children.

But the story... regardless of the forum, is needed to be told, to be shared and to be experienced.

Interesting to me to discover this... my writer, coming up, coming out, waiting to get back to the tap, tap, tap of the keys. Sharing the truth of my experience, knowing that it will ripple through and resonate with others who are drawn to it.

I have the feeling I will be starting many chapters. To continual new beginnings! Cheers.

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