The things I will remember about this week are...
- The undeniable love and calm I experience holding my two year old tight to myself.
- The beautiful and independent young woman my eleven year old is and is continuing to become. The pride in discovering what a talented photographer she is. The awe at seeing how a pair of glasses can make her look even older than she already does!!!
- A bus ride to work this week reminded me of the sheer beauty of innocence and openness. There were two gentlemen who got on the bus from one of the group homes or perhaps the mental health hospital on the route. These two gentleman made my morning. After taking their seats they greeted each an every person who got on the bus with a huge smile and a robust Good Morning! And it made me smile. There was a young man (maybe 22) sitting across from me tuned into his iPod and staring off into the distance. One of the gentleman kept looking his way and began to talk to him. I immediately judged the young man as someone who was going to be impatient and rude... I was quickly reminded by his actions that judgments of others are useless, human kind is full of surprises and potential. The young man each time took off his earphones and spoke to the gentleman who was wanting to connect with him. After a few interchanges of conversation like this the gentleman reached out his hand an introduced himself to the young man by name. It was a beautiful exchange to watch as I witnessed the joy come over the gentleman's face as the young man replied in like with a smile and a handshake. To know and keep that feeling within me... noticing how their energy and innocence effected everyone within earshot. How much it made my morning to bear witness to it and how it is such a simple thing to do.... say good morning to those you pass. Not to worry about what others may thing, stepping out of societies norm of not speaking to people you don't know and just allowing yourself to be and do what you are moved to do, say what you are moved to say.
- The power of simply being present. Speaking what you are moved to speak and letting the people whom you care about know it. For giving the gift of yourself to those who are grieving, simply being present and letting them know you are there for them in whatever way you can offer.
- I stopped to give some money to a panhandler who said to me, I hope you had a good day today miss. And I replied I did, I went to a beautiful funeral service. And the panhandler asked me what this persons name was and said "I will say a prayer for her and her family". And that moved me. To know that everyone is connected in the world and everyone can make the world shift by their words and actions. Who knew that this woman's offer of prayer would make me remember we are all connected no matter what our religion, beliefs, race, culture, gender or social status.
So I could choose to look at this week and reflect on the not so great things that happened. I can can choose to look at this week for the gifts that were presented to me... the gifts of light, caring, loving, laughter, innocence and connection.
Tomorrow is a new day. There is always more.