I had always assumed this film was a horror movie and had no desire to watch it, however the title laid in my mind. And sure enough, here was Margot with this vision of creating a space for others to see it.
Well Margot went with it. She contacted Carole McInnis from Oceanstone to tell her about her vision. Next thing I know we are having a WEL night out at Oceanstone. Dinner at Rhubarb's Grill, Movie in the Great Room at Oceanstone and a night in a cottage by the Atlantic Ocean.
It just happened to fall on one of the most beautiful weekends so far this spring.
There was 13 of us women (including my daughter Jessica) in the private dining room on the upper floor of the restaurant. Drinks, Appetizers, Entrees and even desert was had by those of us who could handle it. The conversations were great, the energy was thick, the women amazing and welcoming to those who "we didn't know".
As we got ready to move down to the main building to watch the movie Jessica and I went to get into our pyjamas and grab a blanket. The great room has recently been renovated and is beautifully done with an additional area and view of the setting sun. There was enough comfy seating for everyone in a horse shoe around the screen. And the movie begun.
The movie is a fantasy of a Narf (water nymph) named Story and of her purpose of coming to make contact with man and awaken something within in them to allow themselves to find their purpose in life. There were so many metaphors scattered throughout this movie it was unbelievable to me. It was also very interesting how each woman's perception of the movie was so vastly different. Some saw a connection of peace, some experienced a bit of fear, some thought it was just plain bizarre, I found it quite moving in most parts.
All though this movie the character Story is in need of certain people around her to make her journey complete, and it takes the main character a long time to remember who he is. He is the healer, he has just been so full of grief and misery with events that happened in his life that he lost faith in his abilities and capabilities. He had to find himself for Story to be able to return from where she came from.
I found it an amazing movie and I really would enjoy watching it again and seeing MORE that I didn't pick up on... metaphors that are relevant to things going on in my life at this time.
After the movie we had fantastic conversations on things that came up for us during the film. We stayed and talked, then after a while Jessica asked if we could go back to the cottage.
Out into the mild night we go. The stars are so amazing when there are no lights from the city taking away from it. Once we finally got into the cottage we decide to do some painting. I bought some acrylics and tempra paints for canvases and for rocks. And we created.
Jessica created these two pieces and about 7 ladybug rocks. It was fun to see how she creates and works.
I have some pictures of her actually doing the paintings but that will have to come online later on.
It was good to have that time with my daughter who is almost 12 (four months today she will be). To have her with me there, to paint, to talk, to walk, to cook, to just be. I certainly won't forget this night we had at Oceanstone.
I look forward to more in the future Gawk and Gabs.
It was a perfect opportunity for me to show Jessica fully, just who I am and to get to know just a little bit more about the woman she is and who she is becoming.
Thank you Margot for creating the space! Life is good... and there is always more.
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