Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Countdown to Parenting Workshop

4 more sleeps until the first day of my parenting workshop "Discovering Authentic Self and Consciously Parenting".

Louise says she and Paul have finished the editing and are in the process of completing the visuals for my CD. Copies are being sent to me as we speak!

I am getting together the final details and supplies. I still have a couple of spaces left (*wink*).

I know this workshop is one that is beneficial to ALL not just parents as it has so much to do with who we really are, authentic self and who we can become, unfolding self, unlimited potential. Recognizing our unconscious behaviors and asking the question... does this still serve me in my evolution of becoming my potential self? Owning the response and acting accordingly.

There is the perfect amount of people already registered and I am really looking forward to engaging with them.

I am also aware of this building excitement inside of me. Just who am I going to become after the workshop is all done? Who knows?

There are many interesting things happening over the next 30 days and it is a good time to be a WEL-Woman in the East Coast! More details for other events in later blogs. Stay tuned!

Tomorrow is a new day... life is good.


Anne T.-Bérubé, PhD said...

Have a woderful time this weekend. I think what you are doing is huge and to see you so passionate about what you do and believe in is very inspiring.


Anita said...

You go, girl! I'm so excited about what lies ahead and the incredible difference I know this will make in the lives of those who attend ... and in your own life as you keep stepping into the magnificence that YOU are!

Have a great time!!