Sunday, May 06, 2007

Completion of my first Parenting Workshop

Today was the final day of my very first parenting workshop.

I personally thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The energy that filled the room, the energy that came from each of the participants who showed up through the 3 days was simply amazing.

Each woman in that room brought so much to the workshop, they directed the flow of the days.

I can't begin to fathom the number of insights and awakenings that came into the awareness of each individual and the ones that will spawn from this workshop in coming weeks and months.

Nor can I fully fathom the impact they will have on others in their lives, the invitations they are now for their children and children to be to relax into their authentic self expressing with their own voice.

To know that if they want to, they can choose differently. To know that if it truly feels "right" to them they should say or do it and not worry about what other people think they should be saying or doing.

To step into themselves and welcome it. Welcome that feeling of peace, love, calm. The Bigheadedness is not a bad thing. Self acceptance, confidence and awareness are very different from Ego. To not feel guilt or shame for feeling "right" within your life, but to celebrate ti within your self knowing that this is the signal of who you are in the world.

I know that this is the first of many of this Parenting series of workshops I will offer through my new company Exploring Our Potential Consulting. I also am aware future programs will flow differently.

I am also working on Reconnection Retreats which will allow for participants to learn something new via an invitation for another to come in a provide an evening workshop, and alot of time to have facilitated conversations, reconnection and self reflection over the rest of the weekend.

In a few weeks time I am also very aware that I want to "give back" if you will to my work place. After the Diversity Forum and the planning for the Finance Conference I will take time to create this work event. I have yet to really work out the details but I want to create something at work where people can come and explore and step into themselves.

Witnessing the sacred as each woman discovered their authentic self, as each woman reclaimed a piece of their personal power that they had allowed to be taken from them. To claim their whole self as the brilliant being they are. Simply Amazing.

Tomorrow is another day... there is always more.

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