Sunday, May 13, 2007

World keeps turning 'round

Time flies by when you allow it to. I have been waiting and waiting for this upcoming week to arrive so the Diversity Forum will be over and done with. Not that I am wanting it to be over but for me when I am so involved with creating or co-creating something, when I have put alot of work, effort and me into it. I want to see it happen.

It seems for the past 3 weeks I really have not been doing anything but working on this Diversity Forum... not that it's a bad thing, I have fully, consciously devoted my time to the planning and other nuances that go along with trying to organize this event.

I also have a fantastic group I work with in my "day job" and I have been worrying that perhaps I have been neglecting my new co-workers... an unfounded worry as I made sure I communicated this with them. It is so nice to be working with a group of people who support the bigger picture of things by encouraging us (the employees) to become involved in these committees and groups.

I have so much to get back to. After the Diversity Forum is done for this year I am really going to work on creating a real basis of workshops and programs I can offer through my consulting business. I know travel will somehow be involved in all of this and I am really excited about doing a "travelling roadshow" as I've written it in my journal from time to time.

Lots of things happening with my eldest daughter and I lately too, this is for another post, another day. She is already such an amazing young woman, I am just so excited to watch her unfold day in and day out, always more than she was.

Tomorrow is another day, there is always more.

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