Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Blink of an Eye

I can't believe how quickly time is going. The past year has been intense, this past month went poof. Things are happening so quickly with my engagement in life, and at the same time some things are just moving at a snails pace.

The things I am passionate about, learning, growing, leadership, parenting, creating, engaging, etc. are here and gone in a blink of an eye... on to the next step, the next program, the newest workshop, article, book. It has kept my life interesting and exciting and moving forward.

In the meantime back in my workplace I have been waiting for numerous job "competitions" to complete themselves so I can have some movement in my job.

Last June a competitive process was set into place, they were hoping to have it completed quickly. It is now 6 months later and we are all still hopeful that the stalled process will begin to move again. And I wonder is this how it is meant to happen for me? Perhaps it isn't the right time. Who knows?

Another one for another job was posted and I was screened in (which means I'm eligible to compete) and there has been nothing more on it since.

An assignment I've applied in December seems to be moving along more quickly... but another stall. We were supposed to find out last Friday and there has been a delay. I hoped to hear today... now I'm hopeful to find out tomorrow.

Hmm, just what is going on here? What is all of this a metaphor for in my life? Because as I know (and if you read my blog often you know) it is a holographic universe and things happen in it for a reason, always an invitation for me to discover something more.

Life is good... I'm off to a school meeting... there is always more.

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