Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Field

I just finished reading "The Field" by Lynne McTaggart. What an amazing compilation of a variety of scientific experiments and research about "the field", our collective consciousness and the power of our intentions.

I thoroughly enjoyed every discovery in this book, reading about distance healing, remote viewing, the experiments and successes.

I especially came to life when reading about how each and everyone one of us has the potential to do all of this ourselves... create our own futures, affect the health of ourselves and others, predict or sway the outcome of things just by focusing our intention and tapping into the Zero Point Field. The Field, the source, all that there is, that runs through and around everything, connecting us as one, supporting us all as individuals.

So we can truly stand alone and never be alone. Interesting notions.

It supports my belief that we all have the resources within our own selves to live a healthy, prosperous and happy life, as creators of our own futures.

The task is for us to wake up to this power we each have. To wake up to the more we are.

In our dreams we imagine we are immense, successful, happy, doing something that we are passionate about, that makes us feel alive.

Then we wake up.

Some of us are choosing to live our dreams, to work towards them, awake and conscious in our choices and seizing the chance to engage in things we are passionate about.

And the some of us are saying, "Oh what a nice dream... I know I couldn't never do that" telling yourself you are smaller than that, you can only do what you are doing now, you can always dream of more... but it will never be your reality.

This book has strengthened my belief, my deep knowing that we are god forces completely in control of the manifestation of our future.

Life is good... and there is always tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Touche, Lori!

Like you, I get very excited at the thought that we could "wake up" and make our dreams our reality.

Imagine what the world could look like if we each embraced our power and potential to create!