Thursday, February 15, 2007

Holy Holodecks... (batman)

As I engage with a friend over these past few days about “her issues” in “her work”… I don’t pay full attention to my holographic universe (meaning everything is an invitation for self discovery).

A lot has been moving on my job front over these past few weeks. And as time goes by and things don’t move as fast as I would like, I start to allow myself to slip back to the “old” me. I find myself falling into the victim role… “Joe blow won’t let me”. I was blaming another person for MY immediate future challenges (1-2mth time period). And I didn’t even recognize it.

I knew I felt shitty, angry, and mostly pissed off most of the time at work. I felt I was going to be wronged, whatever. I blamed these feelings on another person causing me to feel this way. What crap… I know better than this; however I was blinded to it.

This morning when engaging with my friend I wrote her an e-mail about simply choosing to honour herself in this transition period at work. That you could choose to continue to engage as a professional, with integrity, hard work and passion you always carry on your job. You don’t have to let the negative atmosphere rob that from you. You can choose to be happy until you leave the job.

And I hit the send button… as soon as I did it hit me!!!

This was all about me and my situation… on my holodeck.

I can choose to remain positive and up beat while going through this waiting period before changing jobs.

I can choose to continue to deliver excellence and professionalism in a POSITIVE and cheerful manner.

I can choose to take with me the positives of the last 6 years and let go of the negatives… (This is all dependant on the eye of the beholder anyway).

I can choose to really know that “what other people think of me is not my business” when it comes to MY career choices.

Funny that. Yet again, when I hit the snooze bar on my life; I allow myself to forget the most obvious point of all. If “it” is coming up in whatever way in my life, “it” holds meaning for me.

Life is good… and there is always more.

1 comment:

Louise LeBrun said...

I have no idea who you are on the holodeck of my experience....and I know that your being here makes my life so much fuller and richer!

Your posting made me smile - wide and friendly! - as I saw your return. Welcome back!
