Friday, February 02, 2007

Written Intentions

It seems this past year that when I have an insight or idea of the direction I should go I write it down. Even though I might have a zillion ideas running through my mind or even be talking about different things, the only ones that I manifest are the ones I write down.

Earlier this week I was have coffee and cupcake with a friend and I began to tell her how everything I write down, manifests. Obviously this is the way I prefer to work, if it holds great meaning for me I write down I am going to do "blah". And it just ends up happening. Sometimes it seems to happen without much interference from me, sometimes I need to put more energy into it to make it come to light. However so far it has always happened.

"Energy Flows where Intention Goes" ~ Louise has said I'm sure many times in the past. And I am truly realizing how effortless it can be, as each day goes on, as one intention is created from thought to physical, from dream to reality.

Last night I wrote about the "snails pace" I was experiencing on my work front. And much like writing down my intentions it seems that my writing about my work "competitions" created an avenue for my energy to go.

Today I found out I was successful in an Assignment I was really interested in. I am very happy has happened as I know that working on this assignment will provide me with several growth opportunities. Job wise it will give me a challenge working in a different kind of environment, I will have the opportunity to learn about the "macro" workings of our department (big picture), I will get to know some new people a lot better, and I will have the opportunity to engage with other people, many who already are aware of my journey this past year and who want to "play" too.

I joked that the things I write down tend to happen so I wrote that I would win the lottery... but I suppose you have to actually play it in order to win it. :o)

Life is good... each day unfolds as I create it... and there is always more!

1 comment:

Anita said...

Congratulations, Lori!

I know big things are in store for you. This opportunity will open all kinds of doors for you and everyone lucky enough to come into contact with you!

Write on!