Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Dilemma... or is it?

I was home from work Thursday and Friday of last week. I received a phone call telling me I have been successful on another job competition, this one permanent in the finance branch.

I want to permanently move into a job that is new and fresh (finance is a permanent one).

The greatest learning experience for me will be with the assignment that I already got a few days before this one(Corporate Services, Strategic Management & Communications Branch).

The dilemma... do I have to choose?

As I was successful in the assignment first, I would accept it first, could I do so in good faith knowing that I may not be allowed to continue on the assignment if I accept the indeterminate position with finance?

I suppose it is all about ask and you shall receive. Open dialogue and communications to both potential managers/directors and the solution just may not be as difficult as I am allowing myself to imagine.

My intention is to go in and ask the management at the finance job if they would still allow me to go on the assignment with CSSMC branch (corporate, strategic, communications).

And I sarcastically say... what a dilemma to be faced with. :o)

Seeing as this is indeed a holographic universe, I know things will work out to my advantage, however that may be.

Life is indeed good, it will be interesting to see how it all happens this upcoming week.

1 comment:

Anita said...

Hi Lori,

What a great dilemma ...and its only one if we call it one!

I love how you have chosen to see this as abundance instead of scarcity. Who says it must be either/or!

I find this relates to the comment you left me on my "Chicken Pox and Still Life" entry. For me, there has been expanding abundance when I find myself viewing a contiuum of possibility rather than polar opposites.

Write On, Baby!!