Friday, February 09, 2007

Fever = sickness ... does it?

For the past 30 of my 31 years I "knew" that if I had a fever I needed to take something to bring my fever down. I'm wondering if that still holds meaning for me in the same way anymore.

All week Mike has been ill (he doesn't have a spleen so he typically gets hit hard). High Fever, Lungs hurting in pain, sinus pain and congestion. He has been laid up for most of the week. He has been pumping himself full of drugs and liquids to "treat" himself. (And yes all of these "symptoms" have other meaning too)

Sara (my 2 year old) has since developed a fever and a cough, minor sinus. She has a fever I give her something to bring it down (not that it seems to be working). I have also been giving her massages (which she loves) and physically having her with me by touch, by hugs, by holding hands, whatever she will let me do. I make sure my energy is positive and filled with love and feelings of healing.

Is it going to make the difference? I say it is definitely going to make her feel better, happier, and if it does more that is great.

And I'm aware that this is different, this is my daughter, this is outside of myself... What I may be allowing myself to explore regarding a new view on drugs and my body does not apply with my 2 year old, not yet anyway.

Now I have been getting some spiking temperatures myself. And it seems to pass fairly quickly. I relax, I breathe. And it passes me by. I have been experiencing no other "symptoms" like Mike & Sara have been. And I know, for me, it is because I am embracing it and allowing the information to move within me. I have control of my body, my intentions, and my health. And this is just me. This is something I have recently begun to explore and play with.

A few weeks ago I was sick, I had a chest cold that I just couldn't shake. Curiously enough as soon as I had a long awaited job interview it moved from my chest to my sinuses, then completed away after a day. So this made me thing hey, sickness really is linked to what is going on in your life... there may be something too this.

So now when the fever crept up on me, I welcomed it. I am finding that without drugs I am able to relax into myself and allow it to pass.

At what point does this work with those around me (i.e. Mike & Sara)? And I know that because it is so much about myself, it too is (in turn) about their selves, and I can only support that, I cannot control that. Can I? So much for me to still discover.

Shifting the way I've chosen to live my life and look at my world has allowed me to consider and become curious about all I have "held" to be true.

Is it really? Does it have to be that way? Why?

Most of the time the answer I find is that it isn't, it doesn't, just because someone said that was how it is, doesn't make it so.

I am finding what is working best for me as I choose to move through my world and create my future.

And I know that each one of us perceives life differently and so what works best for me may not work for you, and I challenge you not to resign yourself to settle for the "norm" if it isn't working for you... ask questions... get curious... can there really be another way? Only you will know the answer to that.

Life is good... and there is always more.

1 comment:

Anne T.-Bérubé, PhD said...

When I think of fever, I think fire inside becoming to big for the body...

I have been going through the same thing. I get sick and I allow myself to relax and breathe and I find that it doesn't over come me like it use to and doesn't last as long. But I struggle with "why did I get sick in the first place? Did I fall asleep for a few days, or did I forget to listen to my whispers?" And then I get hard on myself, I tell myself I shouldn’t get sick if I am attentive and awake. That feeling of frustration doesn't help to get better. This is all so interesting. We truly have control. When my son (2years old) gets sick, I notice that he never gets REALLY sick. His nose will be runny and he will sleep more, but never lethargic and rarely does he get a fever. He is more than his physical body and he knows it. They know it better than we do. I find it all so fascinating Lori!

I also am so impressed with your constant growth. I love reading about your daily discoveries. It always resonates with me in some way. Thanks!