Friday, January 05, 2007

A Day in the Life - A Poem

A Day in the Life
By Lori Walton

Up and Out…
Beginning the day in the cold and the dark
Weary ones struggling to remain awake

Stretch and Yawn…
On the commute to work as the sun paints colors over the
Ocean in the east, reds, pinks, purples and orange

Awake and Engage…
With those at work, friends, coworkers, clients alike
Each one evokes a unique expression of your self

Invite and Allow…
Create the space for creativity to flow
Eventually the clock signals an end to the day

Lift up and Breathe
The mild January air, and release the troubles of the day
Lift up your face to welcome the suns rays

Smile and Enjoy…
A Peaceful solitary journey across the calm waters of the Harbour
Smelling the saltiness from the Ocean upon the warm wind

Open and Receive…
The love and hugs from your children
As you walk through the door after a days work

Provide and Nurture…
Your families needs as you put your work clothes away
Their need for you, conversation and love is ever present

Catch up and Connect…
With your Spouse, family and friends
At the end of a long, long day

Relax and Restore…
Your own self by the light of the moon
On a clear starry night, be still, receive, restore

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