Thursday, January 11, 2007

Running into an old Friend...

Today at work was pretty uneventful work wise. This afternoon on my way to a meeting I saw an old friend who has been off on extended sick leave.

When I first started at my department back in 1991 I met this warm, vibrant, caring, spectacular individual who would do anything she could to help others. She was active with collecting assistance for the local women's shelters, she was active in collecting food for the hungry, I remember when we were out on strike, I was a single mother at the time, she gifted me with her strike pay so I wouldn't be put out as much.

This woman is kind, loving, compassionate and humble. She inspired me to want to do more and be more although I still didn't fully grasp to what extent I could.

If it was someones birthday this wonderful woman would make sure there was a birthday cake (which she bought with her own money) and arrange for all the co-workers to come and sing to the birthday person.

If it was a holiday she would come in early and leave a little gift on your desk, whether it was a chocolate egg or a chocolate heart. If she knew you had young children she would always buy them something special for Christmas.

Soon after I started getting to know her, I come to find out she is sick, and as the days go on she became more and more sick.

4 years ago this woman, was so riddled with sickness that she weighed just under 100 lbs, she couldn't eat, she was sallow, she was weak, and tired. I remember going to the hospital to visit her with my eldest daughter and leaving there wondering if I would see her again.

3 years ago for Christmas she gave my daughter an angel for our tree. Jessica hangs it every year and thinks of her as her angel Olive.

And today, I see her beautiful face again, I hear her joyous laughter through the office, she looks so good, she looks healthy, she is radiant.

Although I was running off to a meeting I got to hug her, tell her I loved her, and express to her my joy in seeing her again.

This woman, beautiful, strong, majestic really... vibrant, living life... once again.

My heart is filled with love, my eyes are filled with tears and my being is filled with happiness in just this brief encounter running into an old friend.

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