Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year, New Way of Living

What a fantastic 11 days off. I wrote (not as much as I thought I would), I created an outline for a workshop I'm creating, I spent some time expanding my thoughts and confirming my belives reading and watching material by Dr. Bruce Lipton, I shared some of that with people I love and care about, most importantly I played with my kids.

What joy that brought me these past 11 days. I built puzzles, I coloured, I played dolls, I cuddled, I sang, I danced, I cooked, I laughed, I cried, I talked, I shared, I bonded even deeper with my beautiful daughters.

My spouse and I had some really great conversations about our future together. Our gameplan if you with, yet at the same time knowing that it will shift, change and evolve as we do.

There was one conversation we had at the beginning of my vacation about a situation he had gotten himself into. As I asked him what he learned from that situation he quite literally told me he would have me double check anything he signs... What?

The old me would say Yes, dear you should make sure you let me know what you are getting into so I can keep you on track.

The new me said "I don't think so. I have no desire to continue that kind of relationship with you, you are responsible for yourself, as I am for myself. I am not your mother, I will not be continuing to run your life for you. I want our relationship to be a partnership where we can just be for eachother, not have to take responsiblity for eachother."

And in that instant, I know our relationship will never be the same again, and I'm excited about it.

Once we know something and have to courage to voice it, it is never the same again. Your body will not allow you to forget it. Funny that changing the direction or path you are on as a couple is so easily changed. Speaking with your absolute truth and conviction resonates... the other party senses your finality of it... and it is different.

The remainder of my vacation Mike & I had fantastic conversations about anything and everything that came up, jobs, programs, our children, and our future.

Life is good. And there is always more...

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