Sunday, January 28, 2007

Energy flows where intention goes...

I'm almost done reading "Molecules of Emotions" by Dr. Candace Pert. I began reading it in the fall of 2006 and I (having nothing more than Grade 10 science under my belt) struggled with the terminology and jargon.

I stopped reading it for a while and read Dr. Bruce Lipton's "Biology of Belief" and viewed his video "Nature, Nurture and the Power of Love" many times over the Christmas holidays. After reading and watching Lipton's work I had a better understanding of Cells, Proteins, DNA, Ligands, and Receptors... I felt drawn to pick up Molecules of Emotions again.

Although I have to admit while I struggled reading the first 3/4 of the book, I am thoroughly engaged in the final chapters.

The first 3/4 of the book is very science based reading, about Pert's history and discoveries, milestones and successes in the scientific community and to the untrained reader (like me) it was difficult to get through. Pert researched in different area of science then Lipton did, so I was unfamiliar with alot of the details.

Although when she spoke of her personal analogies, I was right there with her. Outraged at the "Old Boys School" she had to overcome, saddened by the sickness of her father and filled with hope and love with her drive to try to find a cure before it was to late, joyous with the major discoveries and successes she faced and found along the way. And then the science would come back in and I'd begin struggling again.

These final chapters... they begin to tie it all together for me... I can see why this book is so important for me to read. As I read about Pert's discovery with the BodyMind notions of healing, being and living, I am reminded of a phrase I've heard Louise say in the past "Energy Flows where Intention Goes" and it makes sense to me.

I can see just how easily things can happen if you just set your intention and keep it in your consciousness... I know... I have been living this over the past year.

In setting my intention and engaging as my authentic self, I am more aware of the invitations that are around me and life has been just falling into place... effortlessly.

I am excited to finish reading Dr. Pert's book and to find out how this chapter ends for her... and in doing so leaving myself open to any new insights or invitations to consider how I am living my life.

Yes indeed... life is good.

Tuesday is my 1 year anniversary of the beginning of my journey home to self... I intend on writing a reflection of the roller coaster ride that has been this past year... full of excitement in discovering my new way of being... continuously growing, unfolding into more...

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