Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Whispers are still Prevalent

I sat down tonight at my computer to start to write an article about single mothers who are on welfare base on my experience of being one.

I have written 1000 words already and I haven't even got to the point of my being a single mother. Obviously my Whispers from Within weren't done whispering. I should have known this.

I have been neglecting the book I am writing about "The Myth of the Intact Family" (my story) and foolishly thought I could dive into writing an article about a topic that hold so much meaning to me.

The 1000 words I have written tonight have everything to do with my book and I need to finish writing these words before I can move into my article.

The whispers are still prevalent and I am not surprised.

The words that are writing themselves on the screen are exactly what need to be written.

These words will allow for me to gain more clarity on my experience. I know by moving through this will allow for my article to be a more powerful invitation for others consider the potential that is out there.

And there is always more...

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