Monday, January 08, 2007

A Success...

Was there ever any doubt?

I attended my School Advisory Council meeting tonight and we discussed my workshop Discovering Authentic Self and Consciously Parenting, the council was very excited about my program and very free with their expressions of personal support and excitement.

I am also called back to my original intention for this program and the inspiration for it. The original thoughts that entered my mind, the thoughts I was forgetting about as I began to get caught up in the details.

My inspiration for creating this space was seeing the need for the parents of my community to become involved. Recognizing my community is not a wealthy community and the majority of the community are part of the “have nots” because they cannot afford the extras such as self improvement workshops, classes and programs.

In remembering this original intention I know that I will be providing this, my first workshop for very little cost. I will be volunteering my time to ultimately target the audience that inspired me.

I attended the Community Centre meeting with the Principle after the SAC meeting for a brief moment to propose the support of the Community Centre by way of donating space for my workshop. The community centre agreed to support my workshop and have provided the space at no cost.

Discovering Authentic Self and Consciously Parenting – Exploring our Potential will be held beginning Saturday April 14th for 3 consecutive Saturday Mornings at the South Woodside Community Centre in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. For those parents who are curious for something more, who decide to wake up and engage in their OWN life. The lives they forgot about, discovering their authentic selves (remembering them) and waking up to their potential. In doing so they will be able engage differently with their kids and begin to create different family relationships.

As I’m creating this program I am also very aware that I want to work with women in particular not specifically (mother’s), this is a program I may create in the future.

Success… Set an intention; create the space for creativity to flow, trust in yourSELF and you will achieve your goal.

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